Well Up North PCN (Primary Care Network) has launched a new free app to provide better access to NHS personalised care services available at their GP Practices. The app goes beyond usual health services and provides non-clinical services that can improve someone’s health and wellbeing. It offers an easy way to contact, book and manage appointments with a variety of local services.
Well Up North, one of the UK’s larger PCNs, worked with Visiba Care to create an easy-to-use app that offers support including social prescribing, dementia support, cancer support, and health and wellbeing coaching. The aim is to add further services to the app over time aligned to each GP Practice that is partnered within the PCN.
Dr Saul Miller, Clinical Director at Well Up North PCN said: “We recognise that people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing is influenced by a range of factors, including housing, finances, personal relationships and existing health conditions. Not all the issues that affect someone’s mental health and wellbeing can be treated through conventional health services. That is why we created the app. We hope it will ensure our patients receive the right support from the right professional at the right time. By offering a more personalised approach to services.”
The app is available for patients that are registered to the following GP Practices; Alnwick Medical Group, Belford Medical Practice, Coquet Medical Group, Gas House Lane Surgery, Greystoke Surgery, Northumberland Health, Union Brae and Norham Practice, Well Close Medical Group, and Wooler Health.
Dr Richard Hills from Belford Medical Practice said: “This app is another example of innovating the way we deliver health and care in North Northumberland. I see many patients that do not need my clinical support. They need other services that will make a marked improvement on their journey to live a healthier life. The app gives my patients the opportunity to find and use these services quickly without the delay of a GP appointment. It also means my time is freed up to care for the people that need to see me the most. It is a win-win for all involved.”
SW, a patient at Union Brae surgery said: “I think the app is great because it gives you quick access to speak to the person you need to. The Coach is available a lot to speak about anything I need to. And offers great advice.”
Well Up North PCN is a collaboration of nine GP Practices working together to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce health inequalities for patients in North Northumberland. The team includes clinical pharmacists, first contact physiotherapists, pharmacy technicians, social prescribing link workers, care coordinators, mental health practitioners, health and wellbeing coaches and cancer support workers. Their vision is to continue to improve the quality of care that they provide in alignment with the need of their patient population.